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Directors academy Apeldoorn

Keep developing yourself as a volunteer.

Samen sterk voor jouw vereniging of stichting

Besturen van een (sport)vereniging of stichting is een mooie, maar soms uitdagende taak. Bij Bestuurdersacademie Apeldoorn staan we klaar om jou en je bestuur te ondersteunen en adviseren. Of het nu gaat om de nieuwste wet- en regelgeving, praktische bestuurszaken of het versterken van je vaardigheden als vrijwillig bestuurder – wij helpen je graag op weg.

Met onze trainingen en bijeenkomsten blijf je groeien en ontwikkel je jezelf tot een nóg sterkere bestuurder. Samen zorgen we ervoor dat jouw vereniging of stichting toekomstbestendig is. Doe mee en ontdek hoe wij je kunnen ondersteunen!

Bestuurdersacademie Apeldoorn is een initiatief van Sportraad Apeldoorn en Stimenz.

Actual offer

Special Crowdfunding and Fundraising
Workshop · 8 Apr, 19:00 - 21:00
Special Crowdfunding and Fundraising
Learn all about the possibilities of using crowdfunding and raising funds for your organization in one evening.Posted by Bestuurdersacademie Apeldoorn

Are you a (prospective) board member or active in a working group, committee or other activity of a voluntary organization? Keep developing yourself for your association or foundation and participate in our activities.

The last news

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Directors' Academy Apeldoorn


View all current activities (co-)organized by Bestuurdersacademie Apeldoorn. If the topic you are looking for is not listed, please contact us!

My Special Director

Put your Exceptional Driver in the spotlight! And see who has already been put in the spotlight. Who knows, maybe your Special Director will be featured in a nice article in Nieuwsblad Stedendriehoek.

About us

Bestuurdersacademie Apeldoorn consists largely of volunteers who are committed to helping (fellow) directors and potential directors of associations and foundations. With the aim of increasing the quality and enjoyment of volunteer work.

Current vacancies for board positions

Treasurer Sant'Egidio Apeldoorn
Organisation role · Flexible hours
Treasurer Sant'Egidio Apeldoorn
Do you have a passion for people and do you want to make an impact with your financial skills? Sant'Egidio Apeldoorn is committed to people in poverty and is looking for you!Posted by Stichting Sant'Egidio Apeldoorn
angle coordinator
Organisation role · 4–8 hrs/Week · Starting from 9 Mar 2025
angle coordinator
In StadsAkkers store we sell fresh organic vegetables. We are looking for an energetic, proactive coordinator for the operational affairs and the store team.Posted by Stadsakkers Apeldoorn
PR management function
Organisation role · 2–6 hrs/month
PR management function
As a board member PR you are responsible for maintaining our external contacts. We organize recreational bike rides for participants.Posted by Het Fietsgilde Apeldoorn

Uitblinkers 2024!

Uitblinker in besturen Emma van der Tang - Musicalgroep Colours

Uitblinker in besturen 2024!

Emma van der Tang - Musicalgroep Colours

Uitblinker in vernieuwen Tamara Neeft - NAH ontmoetochtenden

Uitblinker in vernieuwen 2024!

Tamara Neeft - NAH Ontmoetochtenden

Also follow us on LinkedIn

Newsletter Directors Academy Apeldoorn

About five times a year we send the newsletter with information about activities and backgrounds.

Sign up for the newsletter here. And of course follow us on Twitter and LinkendIn.

View all our previously sent newsletters here.


[email protected]

Tjeerd Lemstra | 06 - 50 45 83 65

Linda Wildenberg-Schrieken | 06 - 82 78 38 09

Directors Academy Apeldoorn is an initiative of

Apeldoorn Tackles and Association Sports Council Apeldoorn.


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