Help for Ukraine
At this time, we are all gripped by the situation in Ukraine. All kinds of activities have been launched to support the people of Ukraine. What about in Apeldoorn? Many volunteers are committed to this goal, but also to many other social goals. And it is precisely now and in the future that more people are needed to put their shoulders to the wheel.
What can you do now?
You can volunteer at various organizations that are already active, such as the Stichting Werkgroep Hulpgoederen Oost-Europa (WHOE) to collect relief goods or become a volunteer at the Salvation Army, you can register here.
Are you directly involved with Ukrainians as a volunteer? Nijmegen University offers a free crash course for anyone who helps refugees.
Are you an organization looking for volunteers who want to work for Ukraine? Post a vacancy on the Apeldoorn Pakt Aan website. At the bottom, put a checkmark next to 'This falls under help for Ukraine', then we will place the offer on this page. And also take a look at this page of the NOV: Under what conditions are Ukrainian refugees allowed to volunteer? - NOV - Voluntary Deployment Platform.
Do you have a question on behalf of a Ukrainian refugee or do you want to support refugees with individual requests for help? Then look at the page Hulp in je buurt (Help in your neighborhood).
The municipality of Apeldoorn has already made a special page on their website for everything related to Ukraine. Both contact details and information about volunteer (organisations) such as the WHOE foundation and other matters such as the contract of the municipality with the Russian natural gas company Gazprom and the siren on the first Monday of the month. The municipality also talks about the reception of 400 refugees. An inventory of space for Ukrainians has already been set up. You can also register yourself as a host family at the municipality using this form. When the aforementioned organizations are ready, the municipality will put you in touch with them. Emergency shelters have already been designated. Are you in contact with someone from the Ukraine who does not have a place to sleep and therefore needs emergency shelter at the moment? Then contact the municipality.
During office hours:
Phone 14055
Email [email protected]
Outside office hours and on weekends:
Red Cross
Phone & whatsapp 06-48158053
Refugees and housing
Both the security region and the municipality also refer to the Netherlands Council for Refugees (Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland). They have a central page online where you can find a lot of information about refugee assistance. You can donate here or commit yourself as a volunteer or provide shelter. For the latter option, Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland works together with Takecarebnb, an organization that can connect refugees and host families. You can also register as a host family via this website. If it is clear how municipalities will provide shelter, you will be matched with a refugee.