Help in your neighbourhood
Do you need help with something or do you want to offer help? Then you are at the right place at Apeldoorn Pakt Aan. You can place your request for help with us, after which volunteers can respond to it. This way you can find help in your neighborhood!
Hulp in je buurt brings people seeking help and volunteers together. This can be very diverse help: drinking a cup of coffee every week, helping with groceries, walking the dog once or a job around the house or garden. Do you have a request for help? Submit your request for assistance to us. Or are you that volunteer who likes to help someone? Let us know!

I'm looking for help
Can you use help? For example, are you looking for a volunteer to help with the groceries or are you looking for company to do something fun with? We help you find a volunteer. You can also post a request for help for someone else.
Do you need help posting your request for help? Then click here.

I offer help
Do you want to help someone? View the requests for help and respond directly via the website to a request for help that someone has posted. These can be short or long requests for help, for example running an errand once or walking the dog together every week.
Supporting organizations
In addition to the vacancy bank for 1-on-1 questions, there are various organizations in Apeldoorn that can help with practical questions.
Can you use support with the groceries, chores at home, garden maintenance, transport or do you need social support, for example after the loss of a partner? Then you can contact De Kap.
Do you have an urgent question that needs to be solved on short term? Then the flex pool might be able to help. Questions for the flexpool can be registered via De Kap: 055 - 52 95 520 or via [email protected]
Would you like to be helped by a young person? Then you can contact SKILL-ABILITY. This network consists of helpful young people between 15 and 30 years old who would like to do something for someone else.
Do you live in the Maten? Then you can also contact the neighborhood initiative Burenhulp with your question. Your question can then be picked up by local residents.
Are you a professional and do you have a major request for help for a client, where the deployment of a group of volunteers can offer a solution? Please contact Present Apeldoorn.
Many organizations that are involved in informal care and that can offer support to people in vulnerable situations are affiliated with the Ertoe Doen platform. For an overview of this organization, visit the Ertoe Doen website.
Want to contact Apeldoorn Pakt Aan?
Do you have a question and are you not sure which organization can help you? Please contact Apeldoorn Pakt Aan. This can be done by telephone from Monday to Thursday via 055 - 52 70 581 or by sending an email to [email protected].