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Post | June 2021 | Kennisbank | 1 min read

Asylum Seekers and Volunteering: What’s the Situation?

It may occur that a resident of a COA (Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers) reception center applies to do volunteer work. But is this allowed? The answer is: Yes, asylum seekers without residence status can also do volunteer work. However, there are a few conditions.

For individuals with a residence permit (permit holders), the same rules apply as for Dutch citizens. For those still in the asylum procedure (asylum seekers), an additional requirement exists. The organization needs a volunteer declaration. The Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) uses this to assess whether the work qualifies as volunteer work.

The UWV sets a number of conditions that the organization and the volunteer work must meet:

  • The work is usually unpaid;
  • The organization is non-profit;
  • The work has a social benefit.

For example, volunteering at a community center or walking with elderly people.

The organization requests the volunteer declaration. This declaration is valid for 3 years and is not for one individual but for the type of volunteer work being done. You can apply for the volunteer declaration here.

Once the UWV receives the application, you will receive confirmation. The asylum seeker may start the volunteer work right away. Within two weeks, you will know whether your organization will receive the volunteer declaration. If the application is rejected, the volunteer who has already started must stop the volunteer work.

If an organization allows asylum seekers to do volunteer work without a UWV volunteer declaration, this is considered a violation of the Dutch Foreign Nationals Employment Act. The organization could then receive a fine.

f an asylum seeker has a residence permit, no volunteer declaration is required to do volunteer work. The residence permit will state ‘work allowed, no work permit required’.

Want to know more? Visit the website:

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