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Post | September 2023 | Vrijwilligersverhalen | 2 min read

Hans shares his passion for music and enhances the overall concert experience

Written by Roos Korteweg

The volunteer story of Hans

Can you tell us who you are, what you do in your free time, and what your interests are?

Of course, with pleasure. I am Hans, 52 years old, married, with four children, and I work as a Security Consultant. In my free time, I enjoy going to metal concerts and have a passion for alternative music.

Can you tell us more about the volunteer work you do and the organization you are involved with?

Certainly, fourteen years ago, I started as a volunteer at GIGANT. Initially, I worked as a bartender, but I soon became a volunteer DJ. At concerts, I take care of the music between performances.

And what motivates you to do volunteer work?

For me, volunteering enriches my life. It gives me the opportunity to spend my free time differently. Thanks to my involvement with GIGANT, I can enjoy concerts and movies that I might not otherwise attend. Additionally, I meet many new people by working together during events. I get to see many performances up close, go behind the scenes, and meet musicians backstage.

That sounds like a great place to volunteer. What touches you the most in your volunteer work?

For me, GIGANT has become like a second family. I enjoy connecting with people, whether they are staff, volunteers, or visitors. I love talking to people about music, which helps me create a connection with them. Even while cleaning up, I engage with people by asking about their music preferences and then playing those songs. This makes the evening feel truly shared by everyone.

That certainly seems to contribute to a positive atmosphere. What does your voluntary contribution mean for the people and the organization you work with?

What I really enjoy is that during the setup and takedown of concerts, I get the chance to get to know the bands and other people in the music scene better. As a DJ, I am part of the overall concert experience for the visitors. It goes beyond a standard playlist; I introduce people to new music, tell them about it, and let them hear the sounds of unknown bands. It gives me great satisfaction to inspire others and help them enjoy music they might not otherwise discover.

That is truly inspiring, Hans. Thank you for sharing your story with us and for your dedication to volunteer work and music.

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