PR Officer
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Promote Alliance Française Stedendriehoek via social media: Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.Detailed description
• Publication frequency: Publish every other day, or even daily, depending on current events and events. Adapt the pace to the time of year: more active during periods when courses are registered or during special events (cultural festivals, concerts, exhibitions, etc.).
• Posting Times: Test the best times to post based on audience analytics on each platform. Typically between 9am and 11am, or 6pm and 8pm, to maximize engagement.
• Content types:
o Upcoming events: Publication of a single image with essential information. Registration link, times, location, etc.
o Educational content: Carousels and infographics to highlight cultural facts, tips for learning French, book recommendations, etc.
o Feedback from previous events: photo albums, event videos, participant testimonials.
o Updates: sharing news about courses, partnerships, upcoming projects