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Can you help me move?

Can you help me move?

Task · 2–4 hrs
7323 HN, Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Nederland
Community & family
1 spot left.
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The gentleman is moving and is looking for someone to transport the larger items. Do you have time to help with this? It will take no more than 2 hours.

Detailed description

The gentleman lives in Apeldoorn-Noordoost. He is moving to a supervised living location. This is a few streets away from his current home.

The support can help him transport some smaller items in a normal car, but they are unable to move the larger items. This involves a few things such as a refrigerator, TV cabinet and aquarium. It would therefore be nice if someone could help with this with a van or trailer. I expect that it will involve 2/3 trips and that this will take approximately 1.5 hours (difficult to make an estimate). Mr. must move to his new home by November at the latest, so the request for assistance applies to the short term (September/October). Mr. is in debt counselling and has little to no budget. It would therefore be nice if this could be taken into account in the costs. Mr.'s limited budget also means that a regular moving service is financially unfeasible.

Getting there

1 spot left.
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