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Looking for an outdoorsman with green fingers.

Looking for an outdoorsman with green fingers.

Project role (Temporary) · 2–4 hrs/Week · For around 5 months
Koning Lodewijklaan 387b, 7314 AZ Apeldoorn, Nederland
GardeningOutdoorsCare workSocial contact
WellbeingOlder peopleNature & sustainability
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Hermien van BeekAsk Hermien a question


The daycare has a small garden with planters, the participants are looking for a volunteer with green fingers to help a maximum of twice a week.

Detailed description

At the day care center, De Goudenregen, in the Berkenhoven location, people with early-stage dementia come during the day on weekdays for daytime activities. For some participants, the garden is a wonderful place to work. Still, if the weather is not so nice, the weeds have the opportunity to pop up everywhere. To make maintenance a little easier, we are looking for a volunteer with green fingers for this garden activity who also enjoys motivating participants to help out. If gardening is your hobby and you enjoy interacting with people, then this is probably the volunteer work that suits you. De Goudenregen Daycare has a permanent team of very pleasant employees, who are happy to help you get started and can answer all your questions when it comes to dealing with people with dementia. If you have a good idea, be sure to discuss it with this team.

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"We give space"
Space is a place, your own environment with everything that goes with it: sound, smell, light, atmosphere, colour, thoughts, your dreams. Space is also an almost infinitely available place, an opportunity, possibilities. It is all that we wish for every person - client, neighbor, volunteer, employee - everyone. We want to give that space: a place to be yourself. With space you can develop yourself, however you want. Exactly what suits you.
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