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Are you the sound engineer we are looking for?

Are you the sound engineer we are looking for?

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Nederland
SupervisingEvents & festivalMusicCreative
Art & culture
The organiser has marked this opportunity as filled. Applications are closed. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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Cabaretgroep Pandora
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Gré de VriesAsk Gré a question


Pandora is an amateur (female) cabaret group and performs on average twice a month.

Detailed description

(Female) cabaret group Pandora, consisting of 1 director, 2 musicians and 8 players, has been working with its own sound system using headsets for a number of months now.

Our equipment consists of: amplifier, mixing console, speakers, monitors and 6 transmitter headsets for speech and vocals.

For this we are looking for a sound engineer.

Offered: a training period, travel allowance for performances and being part of a fun group. Expected: a basic knowledge of live music and a good ear.

More information about Pandora can be found at

Questions and comments to:

[email protected]

phone: 0652299444

Getting there

The organiser has marked this opportunity as filled. Applications are closed. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Cabaretgroep Pandora

Pandora consists of 9 players, a director and 2 musicians. Pandora writes its own texts and songs. They practice weekly and perform an average of 2x per month at senior citizens' associations, senior apartments and women's contact groups.
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