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Discussion leader for relatives of someone with acquired brain injury (ABI)

Discussion leader for relatives of someone with acquired brain injury (ABI)

Task · 0–2 hrs · by 23 Apr
Regentesselaan 2, 7316 AC Apeldoorn, Netherlands

Contact person

Hetty van der VeenAsk Hetty a question
Applications closing in a month.
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De Kap, vrijwillige Hulpdienst en Steunpunt Mantelzorg
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Once a month on Wednesday evening there is a discussion group for partners of someone with NAH. The discussion leader monitors the time and ensures that everyone gets a chance to speak

Detailed description

As a discussion leader, you monitor the time and ensure that everyone can share their story. In addition, you ensure a group discussion by asking questions such as, who else recognizes this, etc.

It is an advantage if you have knowledge or experience with NAH.

This is not necessarily necessary.

If you enjoy facilitating a group and giving people the opportunity to engage in conversation with like-minded people, then this role might be for you.

Please feel free to call us for more information.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

Getting there

Applications closing in a month.
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About De Kap, vrijwillige Hulpdienst en Steunpunt Mantelzorg

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