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Training 'In conversation with the elderly about cycling safely'

Training 'In conversation with the elderly about cycling safely'

Workshop · 5 Nov 2021, 09:30 - 13:00
Brinklaan 268, 7311 JD Apeldoorn, Netherlands
WellbeingSport & recreationOlder people

Contact person

Tjeerd LemstraAsk Tjeerd a question
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Doortrappen Apeldoorn
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Come and participate in the Doortrappen training in Apeldoorn on Friday 5 and 19 November to gain knowledge about talking to the elderly about safe cycling.

Detailed description

Do you like to ride your bike and do you like to talk to the elderly?

Then sign up for the free training course 'Talk to the elderly about cycling safely' by Doortrappen, a training course for volunteers who like to talk to other elderly people or organize activities with or for them.

The starting signal for Doortrappen in Apeldoorn was given on September 30, 2021 and we would like to introduce you to it. Doortrappen is committed to ensuring that the elderly continue to cycle safely for as long as possible. Because cycling helps to be healthy, social and self-reliant for longer. Fortunately, many elderly people like to cycle and want to continue cycling, but they are also vulnerable in traffic. By pedaling motivates them to take measures themselves to continue cycling comfortably and with pleasure.

In the workout:

  • Get acquainted with Staircase materials that you can use in your activities or in conversation with the elderly.
  • Do you get ideas on how you can contribute to keeping the elderly cycling safely for as long as possible.
  • You will learn about the background of Doortrappen.

About the trainers

The training is supervised by Miranda de Vries (Stavoor) and Babet Hendriks (Mobycon).


Stimenz, Brinklaan 268 Apeldoorn

Dates and time

The training consists of two mornings and will take place on Friday 5 and 19 November from 09.30-13.00.

Getting there

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About Doortrappen Apeldoorn

Cycling safely until your 100th
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