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Video Technology Team Member: Are you familiar with the Pinnacle program?

Video Technology Team Member: Are you familiar with the Pinnacle program?

Task · 2–4 hrs · by 27 Feb 2025
Vlijtseweg 148, 7317 AK Apeldoorn, Nederland
Community & family

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HCC Apeldoorn
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Mentoring a group of hobbyists involved in video editing.

Detailed description

Knowledge of the Pinnacle program is required,

It is about 1x monthly on the 4th Thursday from 19:30 to 22:00. In-depth knowledge of technology is not really necessary, but a nice interaction with people is. The age of the group is 60+.

The previous video group fell apart after the death of a supervisor, and the lack of support in the group is clearly felt.

You will work together with the organizer at NewTechPark, who also has knowledge of photo/video technology.

Wanted for 1x per month on the 4th Thursday from 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM.

Getting there

Unfortunately, you can no longer register for this volunteering opportunity. You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About HCC Apeldoorn

Help and support with the (private) use of a computer, tablet, telephone
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