Hand massage for the elderly provides relaxation
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As a volunteer you give hand massages to the elderly. With a soft and relaxing massage you help them feel more comfortable and at ease.Detailed description
Location Veldhuis is a nursing home where residents still live independently but are dependent on care. We believe it is important to offer residents individual attention, such as a hand massage, in addition to group activities.
Because the demand is greater than our volunteers can handle, we are looking to expand our team. We are looking for volunteers who have a warm heart for the elderly and the patience to offer a listening ear. Of course, an affinity with touch, relaxation.
You don't need any experience, we offer a free training in hand massage so that you can get started well prepared. We offer a warm and grateful environment in which you really make a difference
"You get paid with a smile and get a lot of gratitude in return"
We are happy to have you as a volunteer and would like to show our appreciation through our attention policy.
As a volunteer you are insured (third party liability and accidents) and we request a VOG (Certificate of Good Conduct)