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 Volunteer to serve coffee/tea Klimmendaal, rehabilitation specialists location Apeldoorn

Volunteer to serve coffee/tea Klimmendaal, rehabilitation specialists location Apeldoorn

Organisation role
Arnhemseweg 11, 7331 BA Apeldoorn, Netherlands

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Klimmendaal is looking for volunteers. Volunteers are active at our location on the Arnhemseweg in Apeldoorn. Activities performed by volunteers include:
being a hostess/host for patients and visitors
serve coffee/tea
support with activities
offer a listening ear

The volunteers are deployed on various parts of the day/evening from Monday to Friday.
The times in the morning are from 09:30 to 12:00. Afternoon times are from 1.30pm to 4pm. Evening times are from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM.

Detailed description

What do we offer:

- During the work you are insured with us for legal liability and accidents.

- You can make use of a travel allowance.

- We organize theme evenings, an annual thank you moment for the volunteers and you will receive a Christmas gift.

Activities of volunteer serving coffee/tea Klimmendaal:
together with another volunteer provide drinks for the patients. Being a listening ear for a patient, playing games if necessary, etc.

there is a vacancy for Thursday afternoons and on Saturday and Sunday afternoons on weekends. The working hours are on the afternoons from 13.30 - 16.00.

Volunteering at Klimmendaal. What do you need to be able to do for this? You do not need any special training. You must have an affinity with the activity that you will be doing with us. We also assume that you have good social skills and that you can make contact with other people enthusiastically and easily.

Our offer? We guide you in making the first contact and, where necessary, in maintaining this. You can always contact us for questions. You can make use of an expense allowance for travel expenses. You are also insured with us during your working hours for legal liability and accidents.
We organize expert evenings for volunteers.

Candidates for volunteer work must be able to submit a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG). This will be reimbursed by us. Interested? For more information and/or registration, please email to
volunteer @ or contact Brenda Koomen by phone on 055 – 538 2765.

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Klimmendaal

Als u door ziekte, aangeboren beperkingen of een ongeluk problemen ervaart in het dagelijks leven, kan revalidatie nodig zijn. U kunt hiervoor terecht bij Klimmendaal. Hier staan uw behoeften en mogelijkheden centraal. Wij dagen mensen met motorische en/of cognitieve beperkingen uit hun grenzen te verkennen en te verleggen. Hierdoor kunnen zij zo zelfstandig mogelijk functioneren.
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