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Workshop · 17 May 2022, 14:00 - 15:30
Zilverschoon 4, 7322 GH Apeldoorn, Nederland

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Jeannet KamphuisAsk Jeannet a question
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Ontmoetingsplek de Graanhof
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Do you want to find your way around the internet? And learn what you can do online? Join the free Welcome Online course.

Detailed description

Do you want to find your way around the internet? And learn what you can do online? Join the free course Welcome online

During this basic course you will learn how to look up something on the internet, send e-mail messages or Whatsapp messages, make an appointment online or pay securely.

Welcome online consists of 5 meetings in a small group. Together with volunteers from CODA Taalhuis you will work step by step on the computer. The volunteers take into account what you already know or can do. In five weeks you will be 'digi-wise' so that you can better manage your digital life. There are computers to practice with. This course is for adults. And is offered at two places in Apeldoorn (it is possible to join later). And at Meeting Place de Hoge Weije, Dorpstraat 28-36 , Wednesday afternoon 14.30-16.00 pm on Wednesday 18 and 25 May, 8 m 15 and 22 June.

Registration and more information via Jeannet Kamphuis 06 23132804 (between 2 and 14 May: Gerjanne van Middendorp 06 52048564) or via [email protected]

Welcome online to the meeting places is an initiative of Stimenz and CODA (Taalhuis)

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About Ontmoetingsplek de Graanhof

At the basic meeting place De Graanhof you can go for all kinds of activities, but also for personal information, advice and support. Professionals and volunteers can, for example, help you fill out forms and read letters. You can also discuss with them what concerns you in daily life.
We offer 'meeting' 7 days a week.
Approximately 50 volunteers work at the Graanhof who ensure that you feel welcome.
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