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Food aid worker (volunteer)

Food aid worker (volunteer)

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Schuttersweg 41, 7314 LD Apeldoorn, Netherlands
Food banksAdministrationSocial contact
WellbeingCommunity & family

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Jenine van de SchootbruggeAsk Jenine a question
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Rode Kruis district Noord- en Oost Gelderland
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You are the first point of contact for aid applicants from our region who contact the Red Cross for food aid.

Detailed description

The Red Cross helps people who just miss out on other initiatives and still have trouble putting a healthy meal on the table every day, with grocery cards. Unfortunately, there is a large group of people who do not have access to regular help.

We work together with local partners to distribute grocery cards. These local partners include foundations, social organizations and community centers. These are aid organizations that have their antennae in the neighborhood/region and are in close contact with people in need of food.

What are you going to do?

You are the first point of contact for aid applicants from our region who contact the Red Cross for food aid. You answer their questions and help them on their way by giving them information about the possibilities and by connecting them to the right person in the social field. You independently handle minor questions from aid applicants and perform a screening with new aid applicants. You perform light administrative tasks.

What do we offer you?

  • Meaningful, independent and responsible volunteer work – in an emergency aid organization
  • Satisfaction, because you can directly help people in need of food
  • The possibility of expanding your (social) network
  • New experiences and a boost for your personal development or CV
  • Access to the Red Cross online learning environment

What are you taking with you?

  • You communicate in a friendly and clear manner
  • You are accessible and open to the diversity of our clients
  • You are able to ensure a warm transfer to partner organizations
  • You are available at least 4 hours per week on workdays for a longer period
  • You are digitally skilled
  • You live in or near Zwolle or Apeldoorn

When you register, you sign a volunteer agreement and a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG) will be requested from you.

Does this sound like something for you? Then respond immediately and make an impact at the Red Cross! We would love to talk to you.

Want to know more first?

Please contact Miriam Akse 06-34493958 or Emiel Spelt 06-41254903

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About Rode Kruis district Noord- en Oost Gelderland

Vrijwilligers van het Rode Kruis zetten zich in voor verschillende activiteiten om hulp te verlenen voor mensen die het aan basislevensbehoeften ontbreekt, of dat nu eerste hulp, voedsel of onderdak is. We verlenen eerste hulp bij evenementen en vaccinaties, geven EHBO cursussen en voorlichting op scholen.
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