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We are looking for you!

We are looking for you!

Organisation role · 1–4 hrs/Week
Musicalstraat, 7323 RN Apeldoorn, Nederland

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Stichting Vrienden van Park Zuidbroek
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We are looking for a few enthusiastic volunteers to make Park Zuidbroek in Apeldoorn-North even more fun!

Detailed description

Do you also enjoy Zuidbroek park? Do you like to walk there, play with your children, watch the birds? Do you enjoy working with other volunteers in this park? We are looking for someone who regularly wants to contribute ideas about activities that we organize there. This can be in the field of sports and games, organizing something musical or physically helping with the maintenance of the park.

Besides this sparring as a board member, you can practically tackle a job with the other volunteers.

Are you curious? Then make an appointment for a walk in the park with one of the board members who can tell you more about the Friends of Park Zuidbroek.

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Stichting Vrienden van Park Zuidbroek

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