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Hostess or host for the Wende autism café

Hostess or host for the Wende autism café

Organisation role · 2–3 hrs/month
Gigant Podium & Filmtheater, Nieuwstraat 377, Apeldoorn, Gelderland 7311 BR, Nederland
HostingSocial contactSupervising
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Stimenz Noordwest
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Marieke PollemanAsk Marieke a question


Wende Autismecafé is looking for an enthusiastic volunteer to fill a nice vacancy. If you would like to be involved with Wende, please respond!

Detailed description

Who are they?

Wende wants to connect: bringing people with a form of autism together and offering a pleasant evening or activity. Do fun things and share experiences. Meeting new people and building social contacts in a pleasant, quiet environment. Wende derives its right to exist from top volunteers. All different and all curious, passionate and supportive. Volunteers with and without autism.

Role and responsibilities:

  • As a volunteer in the Wende Autismecafé in GIGANT, you work together with another volunteer on a fixed evening (once a month). You will then be the main host/hostess and will be present at the agreed time.
  • You welcome visitors and put them at ease. In this way you contribute to a pleasant evening, in line with the principles of the Wende café.
  • You oversee the whole, ensure that the group runs smoothly and give it a twist if necessary. You are stress-resistant and respond adequately to unexpected questions or comments.
  • You will be there all evening. If you are unable to attend, try to arrange a replacement yourself through your colleagues.

They ask:

  • You are involved, enthusiastic and enjoy working for Wende
  • The other person is central, you receive guests and act in a service-oriented manner
  • You have strong communication skills and show initiative
  • You can work well together and put yourself in someone else's shoes
  • You have an affinity with people with autism and/or are an expert by experience

They offer

The opportunity to gain work experience in the social domain. You are committed to helping your fellow human beings with autism and are active in part of the welfare network in Apeldoorn. This effort is very welcome, highly appreciated and completely voluntary. The Wende evenings are unique and fun. And of course the volunteers' drinks are at Wende's expense.

Time commitment:

  • An evening in the café once a month

Getting there

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About Stimenz Noordwest

Stimenz is een organisatie voor sociaal werk voor Apeldoorn en de Veluwe. In Apeldoorn omvat onze opdracht breed sociaal werk en op de Veluwe bieden wij maatschappelijk werk en sociaal juridische dienstverlening. Burgers in ons werkgebied kunnen vertrouwen op de inzet en betrokkenheid van de 180 medewerkers en ongeveer 900 vrijwilligers van Stimenz. Samen maken we werk van het vergroten van welbevinden, burger- en buurtkracht. Dit doen we onder andere door sociale verbindingen tot stand te brengen in wijken, buurten en dorpen, individuele vraagstukken op te pakken via maatschappelijk werk en waar mogelijk collectieve oplossingen in te zetten en signalen te vertalen in nieuwe initiatieven. Wij doen dit samen met vrijwilligers en actieve burgers vanuit wederkerigheid en betrokkenheid.
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