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Teaching someone else how to ride a bike?

Teaching someone else how to ride a bike?

Project role (Temporary) · Flexible hours · For around 4 weeks
Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Nederland
SupervisingDutchSocial contactSupport work
WellbeingRefugees & minoritiesCommunity & family

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Stimenz is looking for volunteers who cycle to migrants in Apeldoorn and who want to learn traffic lessons.

Detailed description

Stimenz is looking for volunteers who want to teach refugee people how to cycle and who want to learn the traffic rules. The intention is that the participants receive one-on-one cycling lessons.

Being able to cycle yourself means independence and freedom. To work by bike or to school, take your children to school, do your shopping by bike. Your world becomes a lot bigger with the bike.

Especially if you come from another country, where cycling is not so common. Then you need people who want to help you with that.

We are looking for involved and enthusiastic volunteers from the municipality of Apeldoorn who want to make a positive contribution to our society out of involvement.

Your working hours and availability are always in close consultation with each other.

Send an email to [email protected] or call 088 784 64 64 and ask for Esther Huizer.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Stimenz

Stimenz is een organisatie voor sociaal werk voor Apeldoorn en de Veluwe. In Apeldoorn omvat onze opdracht breed sociaal werk en op de Veluwe bieden wij maatschappelijk werk en sociaal juridische dienstverlening. Burgers in ons werkgebied kunnen vertrouwen op de inzet en betrokkenheid van de 180 medewerkers en ongeveer 900 vrijwilligers van Stimenz. Samen maken we werk van het vergroten van welbevinden, burger- en buurtkracht. Dit doen we onder andere door sociale verbindingen tot stand te brengen in wijken, buurten en dorpen, individuele vraagstukken op te pakken via maatschappelijk werk en waar mogelijk collectieve oplossingen in te zetten en signalen te vertalen in nieuwe initiatieven. Wij doen dit samen met vrijwilligers en actieve burgers vanuit wederkerigheid en betrokkenheid.
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