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@ease Apeldoorn is looking for volunteers

@ease Apeldoorn is looking for volunteers

Organisation role · Flexible hours · Starting from 2 Sept 2024
Asselsestraat 65, 7311 ED Apeldoorn, Nederland
TrainingSupervisingYouth workSocial mediaAdvice & MentoringSupport workAccompanyingSocial contactCreativeDutch
WellbeingChildren & youth
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Do you think young people and their mental health are important? Have you suffered from this yourself?
mental problems? Your experiences can be very helpful to others!

Detailed description

At @ease, young people between the ages of 12 and 25 can drop in or chat without obligation to discuss their concerns. Topics for discussion can be very different: heartbreak, drug use, divorce, bullying, eating behavior, study stress, sadness, debts, etc. No matter how big or small the personal questions are: at @ease they can talk about them. Anonymous and free! There is a trained team of enthusiastic volunteers (mainly peers) and professionals who can respond well to people's concerns and - if necessary - can help someone (quickly) find the right care outside @ease. At @ease we believe that no young person should be alone if life is not going well. And we could really use your help with that!


We are looking for young people who want to volunteer and offer other young people a listening and thoughtful ear. Can you listen well? And would you like to work for young people? Then we are looking for you if you:

  • are between 16 and 30 years old;
  • you can speak to young people at our locations and via chat during our opening hours;
  • are available at least 2 afternoons per month.

We offer you:

  • a fun and friendly (!) team of volunteers and professionals to work with;
  • a workplace where you gain experience in listening to and having conversations with young people;
  • training and guidance together with fellow volunteers under the guidance of experienced healthcare and welfare professionals;
  • a workplace where there is plenty of room for your ideas and initiative;
  • volunteer work where you can really do something for young people.

Are you @ease? Do you want to become a volunteer? We would like to receive an email with your motivation (and questions) via [email protected]

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

Getting there

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About Stimenz

Stimenz is een organisatie voor sociaal werk voor Apeldoorn en de Veluwe. In Apeldoorn omvat onze opdracht breed sociaal werk en op de Veluwe bieden wij maatschappelijk werk en sociaal juridische dienstverlening. Burgers in ons werkgebied kunnen vertrouwen op de inzet en betrokkenheid van de 180 medewerkers en ongeveer 900 vrijwilligers van Stimenz. Samen maken we werk van het vergroten van welbevinden, burger- en buurtkracht. Dit doen we onder andere door sociale verbindingen tot stand te brengen in wijken, buurten en dorpen, individuele vraagstukken op te pakken via maatschappelijk werk en waar mogelijk collectieve oplossingen in te zetten en signalen te vertalen in nieuwe initiatieven. Wij doen dit samen met vrijwilligers en actieve burgers vanuit wederkerigheid en betrokkenheid.
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