Diversity and Inclusion in Sport - with theatrical performance
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Contact person
Meeting for sports associations from the municipality of Apeldoorn about the value of diversity for your association and how you can increase involvement.Detailed description
In today's society, themes such as diversity and inclusion are common slogans. At the sports association, people with all kinds of backgrounds, orientations, level of education and political preference come together to enjoy their sport during training sessions and competitions. We believe that sports clubs are a powerful tool to get to know each other and to reduce discrimination and exclusion of target groups. This often goes without saying, but if we consciously deal with this, we will make the impact of this even greater and we will become more vital as an association.
Can everyone within your association be themselves? Does everyone feel welcome and part of the association? Does everyone contribute by volunteering and do all members join for the 3rd half? As an association you can make huge strides if you are there for all your members and all target groups. In addition to creating a pleasant atmosphere at the club, it also ensures more involved members and volunteers .
Theater performance
Together with theater group Live Your Story, the KNVB developed the theater performance “I wish it was weekend again.” The KNVB and the Positive Sports Culture Apeldoorn working group (part of the Apeldoorn Sports and Exercise Agreement) cordially invite you to watch the performance and to discuss the power of diversity. The players make you think about the influence of your origin on your self-image, the image of the other and your chances on the field and in society. But also the pain of hurtful expressions on the field or in the hall.
Live Your Story: “We dream of a world without athletes with a blind spot or parents with a big mouth. A world without gay haters or unbearable third half hangovers. A world in which we can be different on grass or square, together, Jewish, back, trans or small.”
For whom
Confidential contact persons, trainers, coaches, team managers, players, administrators, main courses and all persons within the association who (want to) deal with this subject.
Please note: the evening is open to interested parties from all sports associations in the municipality of Apeldoorn (not just football associations).
avv Columbia, Winkewijertlaan 80, 7334 CM Apeldoorn.
Dates and time
Tuesday 7 February from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm (doors open at 7 pm).
To register
Participation is free. We do ask you to register personally via the green button on this page.
If you have any questions about the meeting, please contact Tjeerd Lemstra, 06-50458365 or [email protected]