VCP Pool Meeting
Community event · 8 Apr, 19:30 - 21:30
Schoonbroeksweg 8-A, 7323 AN Apeldoorn, Nederland
Sport & recreation
Contact person
Tjeerd LemstraAsk Tjeerd a question
Sociaal veilige sport Apeldoorn
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Meeting for confidential counselors and other interested parties in the field of socially safe sports in the municipality of Apeldoorn.Detailed description
Apeldoorn has a network of confidential contact persons at sports clubs. During this meeting we invite the network to share knowledge and inform each other. In addition, this meeting is also interesting for other interested parties of sports clubs in the theme of socially safe sports.
Content of the evening
- Theme 'girl venom'
- Discuss VCP case studies
- Update theme socially safe sports Sports and Exercise Agreement Apeldoorn and (national) current affairs
Clubhouse ZVV'56, Schoonbroeksweg 8-A Apeldoorn.
Date and time
Tuesday evening, April 8, 2025 from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM (walk-in 7:15 PM).
To register
We kindly ask you to register via the green button on this page so that we have an idea of how many we are.
The meeting is organized by the working group Socially safe sports Apeldoorn. More information or questions? Contact Tjeerd Lemstra | 06 - 50 45 83 65 [email protected]
About Sociaal veilige sport Apeldoorn
Socially Safe Sports is one of the six themes of Sports and Exercise Agreement II Apeldoorn. The aim is to stimulate and support social safety and integrity at local sports providers. For this purpose, annual (network) meetings and training sessions are organised and knowledge is shared.