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VCP group meeting - turning 'difficult behavior' into positive behavior

VCP group meeting - turning 'difficult behavior' into positive behavior

Community event · 18 Mar 2024, 19:30 - 21:00
Sportpark Orderbos 5, 7313 HN Apeldoorn, Nederland
Sport & recreation

Contact person

Tjeerd LemstraAsk Tjeerd a question
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Sociaal veilige sport Apeldoorn
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Meeting for confidential contact persons, administrators and other interested parties for this theme at sports clubs in Apeldoorn.

Detailed description

Apeldoorn has a network of confidential contact persons at sports clubs. During this meeting we invite the network to share knowledge and inform each other. In addition, this meeting is also very interesting for administrators, trainers/coaches and other interested parties in the theme of Socially Safe Sport.

Content of the evening

The theme of the evening is turning 'difficult behavior' into positive behavior in children. Sven Borst will contribute to this by sharing his knowledge and discussing how this can be used within the sports club. And what role do you have as a VCP, director and/or trainer/coach? In addition, current events are discussed during the evening.

About Sven Borst

I am Sven Borst. I have my own gym with Judo and jiu-jitsu, and I also teach judo in special education. This evening is about how you can turn 'difficult behavior' into positive behavior. You always assume that the child's intention is good and that it stems from powerlessness rather than unwillingness. We discuss tips on how to deal with children within the club/in class with ADHD, Autism, ODD, attachment problems, etc. Reflecting on your actions so that you become predictable and safe for the child and thus achieve a successful experience together.


Clubhouse KV Apeldoorn, Sportpark Orderbos 5 Apeldoorn (plenty of free parking on the other side of the road).

Date and time

Monday evening, March 18, 2024 from 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM (entry 7:15 PM).

To register

To be present, we ask you to register via this page. This way we know how many people are present (approximately). There are no costs attached to this.

More information or questions? Contact Tjeerd Lemstra | 06 - 50 45 83 65 [email protected]

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About Sociaal veilige sport Apeldoorn

Socially Safe Sports is one of the six themes of Sports and Exercise Agreement II Apeldoorn. The aim is to stimulate and support social safety and integrity at local sports providers. For this purpose, annual (network) meetings and training sessions are organised and knowledge is shared.
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