Volunteer for Radio Kootwijk at DemenTalent
Contact person
Scan me or visit en.apeldoornpaktaan.nl/o/Zorggroep-Apeldoorn-en-omstreken/opportunities/Volunteer-for-Radio-Kootwijk-at-DemenTalent/72911 to join
Providing support with outdoor activities, with visitors/clients who carry out work at DemenTalent, for Staatsbosbeheer around Radio Kootwijk.Detailed description
We are looking for an active volunteer for DemenTalent (DT) in Radio Kootwijk every Thursday, and every other week on Wednesday.
We are looking for a fit lady or gentleman who enjoys supporting outdoor activities with people who have a form of dementia.
The visitors/clients of DemenTalent do volunteer work for Staatsbosbeheer.
The work includes cutting the heath, removing weeds, clearing away leaves, and helping with events in building A (the transmission building).
In the afternoon there is always a walk of around 5 km.
Let us know at which times you would like to volunteer and we will look for suitable opportunities together.
We offer:
Beautiful and meaningful volunteer work / an introduction and training period / guidance, training and information meetings / compensation for travel costs / third-party liability and accident insurance during volunteer work / an annual gift / you can become a member of the active ZGA staff association.
😇 Declaration of Good Conduct
🗣️ Mastery of the Dutch language
About Zorggroep Apeldoorn en omstreken
Volunteer work: your talent is invaluable!
Drinking a cup of coffee with a client, taking a walk or supporting an activity such as cooking or music. As a volunteer at Zorggroep Apeldoorn you are of great value. Volunteer work is rewarding work and means a lot to our clients.
Volunteer work is tailor-made
What you can do as a volunteer depends entirely on what you want and can do. Together with the coordinators of Bureau Vrijwillige Inzet we look at what suits you. We tailor your support to your talents and the needs of our clients. In principle, everything is therefore possible, from several days a week to, for example, one half day a month. From walking to drinking a cup of coffee every now and then.
The coordinators of Bureau Vrijwilliger Inzet mediate and guide. We think it is important that there is a click and that the volunteer work matches your wishes. You can always contact Bureau Vrijwillige Inzet with all your questions.