Unity and Adventure at Apeldoorn Lifeguard Brigade!

Apeldoorn, the gem of the Veluwe. Forested, green, the Loo Palace, the Apenheul, and... a very fun and active lifeguard brigade! Many people wonder: a lifeguard brigade in Apeldoorn, for the canal? Lifeguard members Daniëlle and Wouter are happy to share why the Apeldoorn Lifeguard Brigade is so great.
Daniëlle has been a member of the Apeldoorn Lifeguard Brigade since her youth. At 16, she started teaching, something she still does every Wednesday evening at the Malkander with her father. Here, she shares her enthusiasm and experience with the youngest members. What makes the lifeguard brigade such a fun club? Daniëlle enthusiastically says, "the camaraderie! Many friends are from the brigade; we are a big group of friends. Swimming at the lifeguard brigade connects us. Not only within our own brigade but also with other brigades thanks to annual events and collaborations.” As a teaching instructor, Daniëlle sees how friendships form among the youth, which makes her very happy. “It’s nice to see the kids getting closer. They help each other with the exercises and explanations. They take new members under their wing with tips and guidance. I see confidence and enthusiasm growing in the children. I think it’s the best sport there is.” Daniëlle has also patrolled the beach and taught in Zeeland. “It’s wonderful to be on the beach and work as a beach lifeguard at the same time. You can join another brigade and patrol with a beach brigade for the whole summer or part of it. That even allowed me to live in Zeeland. It was funny that I could teach locals about tides and currents while coming from inland waters.”
Wouter is an instructor in training and experiences the same camaraderie within the association. “I joined the Apeldoorn Lifeguard Brigade when I was six. Every Wednesday I’m at the pool, and on weekends I’m with the lifeguards on open water. The lifeguard brigade is a big group of friends that you belong to. The combination of spending time with my friends and giving back to society suits me well.” Thanks to his commitment to the lifeguard brigade, Wouter has a summer full of festivals and the beach ahead. “On weekends, I’m out with the lifeguard brigade providing security for festivals like Lowlands and the Zwarte Cross. These are the highlights for me! Tickets are expensive, but as a volunteer for the lifeguard brigade, I get to go for free. I also go to Zeeland to patrol the beach.”
Besides teaching, beach patrols, and event security, the Apeldoorn Lifeguard Brigade trains the local fire department in lifesaving swimming and is part of the National Rescue Fleet (NRV). The association is deployable for the NRV in case of imminent flooding. Two years ago, Wouter was called up with the association during the floods in Limburg. “Our deployment was minimal because it just went well. We train for these emergencies, but we hope to see them the least. In Limburg, I found it exciting; it was the first time I went to a disaster area. The water could break through at any moment, which was a challenge. But this is exactly what we’re trained for.”
Frank, the chairman of the Apeldoorn Lifeguard Brigade, is proud of his association. He has been a member for over 40 years. “It’s a fantastic association. We cater to all ages and share a passion for water, which creates a connection with the Apeldoorn Lifeguard Brigade and its members. Participating in security details, including the Dragon Boat Festival and activities, developing in various areas, and contributing to the association in different focus areas are the things that strengthen camaraderie.”
Would you like to experience what it’s like at the Apeldoorn Lifeguard Brigade? Interested individuals are welcome for two trial lessons, after which they will be placed in a group at their level. First, you learn to rescue yourself in the water, then others using aid and rescue tools. This way, you become a full-fledged rescuer, or lifesaver. Additionally, you can further develop into a lifeguard who supervises the coast, inland waters, and events on or near the water. Specialization is also possible, for example, as a lifeguard driver and skipper on a rescue boat or jet ski.
Does the Apeldoorn Lifeguard Brigade appeal to you? Visit the website for more information at Apeldoorn Lifeguard Brigade. Do you have an affinity for water and numbers? The Apeldoorn Lifeguard Brigade is looking for a treasurer. Click below for more information.