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NOV Knowledge Boost Week

NOV Knowledge Boost Week

Workshop · 24 Mar, 09:00 - 10:00
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Apeldoorn Pakt Aan AlgemeenAsk Apeldoorn Pakt Aan a question
Applications closing in a month.
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During this Knowledge Boost Week you can follow various interesting Webinars online. Look in the text below for more dates and info.

Detailed description

Program knowledge boost week March 24-28

Monday March 24

09:00 It was just a joke, right? The impact of microaggressions

10:00 Insight into legislation and regulations for volunteer organizations

11.00 Community Service Time (MDT) for beginners

13.00 Deep listening

16.00 How do you really get someone moving?

Tuesday March 25

09.30 Launch of the Basic Book on Working with Volunteers, with exclusive workshops

13.30 Workshop on impactful communication: Getting people on board and working together

19.30 Collaborating with companies, how does that benefit you?

Wednesday March 26

10.00 What works in intergenerational contact? The power of generations together

13.00 Insight into what volunteer work brings to volunteers - the app

14.00 All about food safety and volunteer organizations

Thursday March 27

09.00 Seven deadly sins in volunteer management; how healthy is your practice?

10.00 Working with companies, how does that benefit you?

11.00 Dealing with stress

13.00 Volunteers of tomorrow: how do you make volunteering attractive to young people?

16.00 Neuro-inclusive working, there is profit to be made!

Friday March 28

09.30 How do you adapt your organization to younger volunteers?

11.00 What works in local collaboration between informal and formal care?

If you work for an organization that works with volunteers, you can register via the NOV website . You can create a free account to log in. The entire program can be found here: Knowledge Boost Week Volunteer Work March 2025 | NOV - Platform Volunteer Deployment

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

Applications closing in a month.
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About Apeldoorn Pakt Aan

Apeldoorn Pakt Aan is the place for volunteer work in Apeldoorn. We stimulate and connect volunteer work in Apeldoorn with, among other things, our digital vacancy bank, offering and sharing training courses and meetings and providing information and advice to organizations and (potential) volunteers.
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