Apeldoorn Pakt Aan

About Apeldoorn Pakt Aan

Apeldoorn Pakt Aan is the place for volunteer work in Apeldoorn. We stimulate and connect volunteer work in Apeldoorn with, among other things, our digital vacancy bank, offering and sharing training courses and meetings and providing information and advice to organizations and (potential) volunteers.
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Recently added opportunities

Thematic meeting: Working together towards a healthier lifestyle
Community event · 18 Feb, 19:00 - 21:30
Thematic meeting: Working together towards a healthier lifestyle
Would you like to learn how to encourage your buddy, client or neighbor to work on a healthier lifestyle in a positive way?Posted by Apeldoorn Pakt Aan
Volunteer wanted who masters Portuguese sign language
Project role (Temporary) · Flexible hours
Volunteer wanted who masters Portuguese sign language
A sign language interpreter is being sought for a 28-year-old woman from Brazil.Posted by Apeldoorn Pakt Aan
