Young people with dementia and misunderstood behavior
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Young-onset dementia, or early-onset dementia, usually begins between the ages of 40 and 65. As a volunteer, you may not always recognize this.Detailed description
Dementia at a young age, or young dementia, usually begins between the ages of 40 and 65. When people think of dementia, they usually think of memory problems and forgetfulness. But there are more symptoms that you can recognize in people with dementia. And forgetfulness is actually rare in this group.
In early-onset dementia, it is other problems that are first noticed. Such as changes in behavior and character. That is why you may not always recognize this as a volunteer. On this afternoon , Christa Kaal, Case Manager Dementia and lecturer Brein environmental coach, will take you into the world of young dementia.
The following topics will be covered:
- What forms of dementia are there in young-onset dementia?
- What is the difference with dementia in the elderly?
- What misunderstood behavior can occur?
- How do I deal with misunderstood behavior?
Of course there is also room for your questions. A maximum of 20 participants can join, so sign up quickly.
For more information about this meeting, please contact:
Content: Marjet Looijen, Apeldoorn Care Group - [email protected]
Practical matters: Linda Wildenberg, Apeldoorn Takes Action - [email protected]
This meeting is offered to you free of charge.
This information meeting is organized by the working group Professional Development of Volunteers Apeldoorn. The following are participating: De Kap, De Passerel, Unique Sports/ Sports Service Apeldoorn, Riwis, Klimmendaal, MEE Samen, Zorggroep Apeldoorn and Apeldoorn Pakt Aan (Stimenz).
Together we organize four annual meetings for volunteers from Apeldoorn who work with people with disabilities in leisure activities.