Eet-Mee de Maten
About Eet-Mee de Maten
We are a group of volunteers who serve a free meal every Thursday in De Drie Ranken (Eglantierlaan 202) to a group of more than 30 people who either have trouble making ends meet or who like to sit at the table with others. Every Thursday there are two cooks and four other volunteers who help. We are looking for a number of cooks for our group who would like to cook for this group once in a while, for example once every six weeks. We ask people who have experience cooking for larger groups if possible or who enjoy cooking and are not afraid to do this for a large group. Our challenge is always to serve a two or three-course meal for a limited amount. The task includes determining the menu, taking into account what we receive from the food bank and doing the (additional) shopping.The time investment is a big part of Thursday.
We offer: shared meals with the volunteers afterwards, a well-equipped kitchen and an enthusiastic group of volunteers.